Hello my dear family, friends and followers,
I hope you are all doing well. I am writing from Cotacachi, Ecuador, a highland town of around 8,000 people in the Andes. It is an amazing place to be, and one place on Earth where people still seem to know how to enjoy life and each other. Christmas is near, but for the first time I can remember, I have not been bombarded with marketing messages from everywhere for weeks on end. It’s funny that I’ve become so accustomed to all the aggressive advertising that it barely seems as if Christmas is just a few days away.
If you have known me for any length of time, you will know that I have had an intense interest in the Mayan culture and in the Mayan calendar for several years. While Christmas is celebrated yearly, and will be here very soon; another event will occur this week which only happens every 5200 years. Yes, the so called “end” of the Mayan calendar takes place on the winter solstice, and many are preoccupied with fantasies of gloom and doom, but those in the know understand that this event is really a new beginning of a cosmic cycle that will see far reaching positive changes in the collective consciousness of humankind. Celebrate, and greet this new cycle with joy and renewed faith in the rise of all the virtues that have been ignored of late, but are the underpinnings of a civilized society.
Julie, you mention being interested in the Maya a few years and i laughed! What an understatement, but then again you are always understated and therein is your unique power and wisdom.
Among the things i treasure most are the Mayan calendars you created and enhanced with your beautiful art starting in 1997! In these times doing anything since 1997 makes you a major player. I am among your fans who look to the day when you will bring out more of your work on The Maya.
BTW, i enjoy your blog much!
Thank you for the affirmation of my work in Mayan studies, Ruth. I look forward to bringing forward much work that had been on the back burner while I moved and got settled here in Cotacachi. I will be incorporating some of my art and more writings on The Maya soon.
Julie- I am so enjoying your blog. It is a joy to live in a place where Christmas is not a commercial enterprise. I hope you have a marvelous celebration today!
Hi Lynne,
Yes, what a change from the over commercialized holiday as we knew it in the USA. I was downtown at the main square last night and entered the large church before the 9:00 pm mass. Preceding the mass was a procession with fireworks, Santa arriving on a huge red fire engine, and so may kids running at top speed across the square to catch the candy Santa was throwing to them. Thanks so much for visiting my site!